B|E green - our sustainability program

BE green Logo

Sustainable action – part of our mission statement

Sustainable action is a central component of our corporate mission statement. Ambitious and measurable targets are an important prerequisite in order to realize our vision of making a significant contribution to a sustainable global economy with our products.

Enormous efforts are needed to achieve our overriding goal of CO2-neutral production by 2045. We will continuously improve our production processes to save energy and invest in a wide range of energy efficiency projects. We will align our procurement strategy to ESG compliance. We want to be able to provide our customers with the exact carbon footprint for their product as quickly as possible and, where possible, also offer alternatives with a lower impact.

Why “B|E green”?

At first glance, the B|E of course stands for the initial letters of our company Buderus Edelstahl. On second glance, however, it is also the imperative form of the English “to be”. The “green” stands for the color with which the concept of sustainability is essentially associated today. We therefore also associate B|E green with the call for us and everyone to act in the spirit of sustainability.

The third component is the lizard. It is the symbol for the ecological change that we will be implementing at the Wetzlar site. We didn’t want to follow the general trend of associating green with plants or parts of plants, but rather incorporate something to which Buderus Edelstahl also has a direct connection. We have a special relationship with lizards, as these animals can be found at our Eulingsberg landfill site. We have been protecting the population there for years as part of our landfill expansion project by capturing them before construction work begins and transferring them to appropriately protected habitats so that they can be released once the construction work is complete.

The lizard has thus become a symbol of the ecological efforts at Buderus Special Steel

What already makes us “green”?